Every family deserves a home
For every speculative home we build, TriCrest Homes, home builders in Virginia, partners with several non-profit organizations to help build a new home in an impoverished community. We humbly provide a family living in extreme poverty a place to call home—fully furnished and complete with electricity, plumbing and clean water. Giving back to the less fortunate, providing a safe and healthy environment for families in need, is at the core of our business model and is a fulfillment of our faith.

Partner Spotlight: The Paradigm Foundation
We help the Paradigm Foundation, a local 501(c)3 nonprofit and ministry, accomplish their mission to give back by building homes in the Dominican Republic. Addressing the physical needs of the ultra-poor—those lacking the basic necessity of shelter and living on less than $1.25 a day—our Paradigm homes provide families a higher quality of life through strong home construction and access to sanitation and other infrastructure. In this way, they help reduce the spread of disease, provide a safe environment for children, and promote community empowerment.
Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.
– Hebrews 13:16